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            It is crazy to think that in just a few short days our squad will be flying out to Romania to serve in any way that is needed. Just the fact that in a time such as now we have the ability to get onto a plane and fly to another country is crazy enough in itself. As of now the official date of our flight is August 12 and it is coming up quickly! Having this extra time at launch to better learn about our squad mates has been such a blast. From playing Uno into the late hours or Volleyball in the summer heat of Georgia, each and every moment has been amazing. Seeing everyone bond is such a strong way has been so great and it is very apparent that this squad is different, this squad has an anointing so strong that the enemy is trembling in his boots!

             With all of this being said, we wanted to give you all a few updates for where we are at. First off, we officially fly out to Romania on the 12th of August, we do not yet know exactly how long we will be there or where we will go after this. When it comes to fundraising, we have almost hit the 60% mark which is crazy, we are getting closer and closer to being fully funded and that is because of YOU. So, we want to thank each and every one of you that have prayed with and for us through this process as well as those who have donated their hard-earned money to this mission. For those of you who do not know, we have a donor who has graciously pledged to match every dollar that comes in until our final deadline! So, for every dollar you donate it’ll be matched, so basically your money will go twice as far!

            Thank you for reading through this update, and we will be updating you more after we land in Romania, so stay tuned for that! Below will be some prayer points that we would love for you all to pray for!


  1. That we all test NEGATIVE for Covid-19 before our flight.
  2. For doors to open into the communities in which we will be serving.
  3. To become 85% fully funded before the end of September.

2 responses to “Launch Update”

  1. Having you & Emily on this squad is such a blessing! I am so excited to serve alongside y’all over the next 11 months! (LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)

  2. Such a blessing that you all have a donor who will match funds given now. That is so beautiful and very generous. Enjoy your last bits of Launch and traveling mercies as you fly to Romania!